Why do I suddenly come up with this topic?
Well, it was all started a few days a go, when my office (an advertising agency) brought
a session about qualitative research, it's about how to successfully dig out information from an
interview session, how to get the right answer that you want, things like that...at the middle
of this small training, there was a role play to see if we could make someone to tell about
certain things by building up questions to them, so I was volunteered, I then played a role as an
interviewer and one of my colleagues as the interviewee. as we both sat down, the
trainer whispered me that the inteviewee must be able to explained about her "biggest fear"
The thing is i just cant ask her abruptly "hey, what is your biggest fear in life?" i must
dig out ask whole bunch of other things first, before it went sharp to the "fear" subject,
long story short, i didn't get to make a good structured question, instead i went randomly asking
things like how do feel about snake, is the idea of being in a certain height level scared you, what
if your boyfriend left you, what if you loose your job and stupid questions like what if you were
bitten by a tarantula, and what did u do if u see a rat or cockroaches.
Meanwhile, I ask you, have you experienced this situation?:
on a rendezvous with old friends, say from high-school, after 5 or 10 years
later, you notice that someone sooo cool, or so rich, or so beautiful, they turned out to be : nobody, they
maybe jobless, their marriage fallen apart, become sooo fat or simply ugly, while the other group of
nerds and so called "not-so-cool" kids had flourished into successful businessman, some of them change
their glasses with contact lense, have a trendy haircut, holds own successful company, and great family too
and you tell yourself :Phew! who know what the future holds?, aaaaanything can happen!
Though not everyone can tell what their biggest fear is, I could without a doubt tell you my biggest fear :
THE FUTURE!. Yupe, there's nothing more scary than the FUTURE, simply because, you dont know
what the future holds, it is unpredictable and sometimes gone totally out of your control.
First, I thought maybe it's because the uncertainty that surrounds me, such as : I'm still running my career,
I'm not sure if I'm really really good in my career, it might happen when one day I screw everything up and got kicked out of
the office?, I also dont feel financially stable yet, I do make money but I have shitloads of bills to handle too, what
if I'm financially ruined?, what if my loved one left me?, what if all my close friends hate me?, what would I do?
I know you can make plans, you can design your life with a future plans, like what age you should be married,
how much money you should have when you are 40, and then u can start to join life insurance, pension plan etc,
well hey, you can plan everything, but u should not forget, none of 'em are guaranteed to work,
because what's lying in the future, they're all kept in a box named : mystery!
So friends, that is the biggest fear in my life, I'm not pesimistic though, bcause by knowing that I can lost my job anytime, Im trying to
focus and give a thousand percent commitment to it, By knowing that i can lost every penny that I have,
I become more cautious with money, Im saving, and
invest some of 'em, I have
pension plan going, and
try to be wise about money. Knowing that people might hate you, Im trying my best to be assertive, and
appreciate everyone 'round me. So when I picture the worst thing I dont want to happen in my life, like
got fired, got dumped, got sick, etc actually keeps me prepared, and makes me mentally tougher than people who are
not prepared for the worst, and it also grows me seeds of thankfulness to God that I have such a blessed life
Im nervous though, but I hope it's a good nervous
Hope we have a great future, the one that we always wanted.