Day 1
Out of envy with other big cities in Asia that seemed to have more sophisticated mass transportation system, I would take the tourists early in the morning and hop in to an express train to Jakarta Kota. There's a train station near my house and we would take angkot there. Paying $1 each, we'll blend-in with commuters from Bekasi area. The air conditioned train would be packed! and I couldn't wait for their reaction to see a lady selling breakfast in plastic boxes : nasi uduk, nasi goreng and other delicacies like pastel, risoles, lontong & bakwan. I'd even let them try it with cabe rawit! food no drink in a train doesn't really applied in Jakarta!.
Two minutes before the train would arrive in Kota station, I would tell them to prepare themselves, keep alert & watch their belongings. As people pouring out the station into the underground-crossing to busway shelter, they would know it by then, that this is a hectic city! But they'll be quite fascinated with how old buildings are well preserved around this area, just like the nearby Bank Mandiri Museum "Traffic is hell out here, & what do u call those orange thing that looks like tuk-tuks?" most likely one of the tourist would ask, and another one will be surprised to see even more angkots spread. They couldnt possibly hide that they'd excited when we arrive at Fatahillah Museum, they'd take some pictures there & might have breakfast @ cafe batavia (if it's open yet). Bank Mandiri Museum would be the next destination, & they're going to admire the building more than what's inside!

"Cant wait to get on that red-yellow bus" I'd hear them saying and a couple of minutes later we'd be inside of the Trans Jakarta bus which operates in the first Bus Rapid Transit system ever applied in Indonesia!. We'll be heading to monas whilst they'll give credits to the tidiness of the bus, and enjoy the scenery of Jakarta's morning traffic. In monas I would let them have fun with the 'andong' and the dioramas on the basement, right after a quick tour to the top of Monas to see Jakarta from such height (It'd be a perfect timing, before the sky fill up with polluted air) one of my tourist friend would ask "so, is this monument a symbol of something?". Oh, I cant wait 'til this come up "Monas actually symbolizes fertility, it is an erected penis that "penetrates" a vagina" I'd explain, "Hahahaha...thats interesting" they'd burst into big laugh! "you're not kidding are you Treidy???"

After a quick browse to the National Museum, The Cathedral & Istiqlal Mosque (by bajaj off course), they'll be craving for authentic Indonesian food. Guess where I would take them! Nooo, not Sate Khas Senayan, Im gonna take them to the Jakartan's all time favorite : Bakmi GM Restaurant in jalan Sunda, and I will force each & everyone of them to eat nasi/bakmie daging cah cabai, with pangsit goreng & rujak as dessert!
Filled with satisfaction, it'd be a perfect time to : SHOP! I wouldn't (without a doubt) recommend Mangga Dua Kota as it's just too big & time consuming!.
First stop would be : Alun Alun Indonesia in Grand Indonesia Shopping town! It's a bit overprice there, but they'll get high quality stuff (most are never seen by them) They would also be enchanted by the grandeur of that mall, they have nothing like this in, say...London!. Hmmm Jakarta's malls, not many are worth to be proud of, but Alun-alun Indonesia certainly not one of them!

Their adrenalin will soon get pumped up when I'd tell them we'll have a more affordable shopping @ ITC Kuningan, where they can get some batiks & also fashionable clothes, pirated dvds & just about anything they want! But we'd make a stop first at Seribu Rasa Restaurant, just behind the Bunderan HI fountain for some traditional drinks & snacks where they'd mesmerized again by how chaotic & up-scale Jakarta could be @ the same time.

They would surely come out of ITC Kuningan with lots of bags "I cant believe this lovely batik dress cost less than 6 bucks" and "damn, this jeans is very comfortable" are likely what they'd be yelling to me. At that time, traffic will be horrible and I'd be nervous, what next? Since they all look exhausted, an idea would come up: "we'll have a foot massage!". So I'd be taking them to Kenko @ Pacific Place Mall.
After a good hour of massage, one of the tourists will ask me "Is there any cultural shows, like traditional dances, or puppet shows we can watch, I heard Indonesia have many puppet shows" I'd just smile to that question & respond "I'll make sure the minister of tourism aware about that, but this is what you get when you're here my friend!"

Surprisingly I'd be out of recommendations, I'll call a friend and discuss about where to take these guests, I really want to make good impression you know... until ka-ching! Kemang would be the place to be!!! (but where in the world in Kemang they would most enjoy? I'm not taking them to the busy cafes & restaurants along Bali-like codefin / food fest...Ah ya! Payon Restaurant! it may not be perfect, but they'd love the ambience and I'd be more than happy explaining about cha kangkung, sop buntut & ikan kakap asam manis in a quiet surrounding! Perfect! Then we'd stroll along to the busy Kemang Raya street, turn right and enter Aksara book store, where I'll grab Sore & Endah n Rhesa CDs to them "Here, buy these...wont be sorry, these musicians are genius!" so I'd say.

I'd already want to go back to Klender but it was 8.30 PM and the foreigners would insist to experience Jakarta's nightlife in a Friday night. I'd be too lazy to think and would tell them to go to Amigos or Hard Rock Cafe for live music!. Though people said that Stadium in Kota is the best, but I haven't been there & heard stories about that place, so I think southern Jakarta's nightlife is a lot safer for less 'hardcore' travelers.
"Make sure you take blue bird taxi home ya..." would be my goodbye before we split-up that night, I'd be heading home with curiosity about what they're going to say the next morning!.
(To be continued)