Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Planning a cheap weekend getaway

This the total expense from my last trip to Bandung (for 2 person, without accomodation)

Train ticket 67.5

Taxi pondok labu - Jatinegara

Food & Aqua

Angkot Klender - Jatinegara

Angkot Dago

Angkot Gasibu

Yoghurt Cisangkuy

Roemah Nenek 62.5


UNKL347 230

Taman LaluLintas 8


Angkot istiqomah 5

Toko Coklat 51

Angkot Dago 5

Ojek Bukit 10

Wale 43

Congo 35

Ojek Bukit 17

Angkot Dago 5

Toko Yu 27

Angkot Gede 5

Angkot Leuwi 5

Ongkos Pulang 70

Taksi Klender 60

Taksi Pdk Labu 35


Total Spending for Transportation 380.5
Total Spending for food 273.5
Total Spending for tourism object 14
Total Spending for Shopping 230
Total 897

Okay, to be honest, I planned to spend 300K per person, means there's a 297 excess
or 150K over-spending per person

The mistake that we made were : Shopping, if we didnt shop, we only over spent 67K, which is acceptable I think, hehehe...
However budget for shopping should be put on your list, and cut back on everything else
What also miss-calculated was our transportation, IT Team spent 304.5 K for transportation JKT - BDG back and forth. and 75K for public transportation in Bandung, thats almost 380K in total...! so much better if we bring a car...although the experience would be so much different hehehe...

So this is what you can do to cut back
Total Spending for Transportation 380.5 --> bring car cost only 250 (incl. gas & toll fare)
Total Spending for food 273.5 --> we ate too much, we could survive with 200 only
Total Spending for tourism object 14 --> acceptable, since most places are free of charge
Total Spending for Shopping 230 --> dont cut your shopping budget!!! hehehe

Total money you could save : IDR 204K
Total Spending : IDR 693K or IDR 346.5K per person

Okay, still over-spend 93K, whether you like it or not, let's cut the shopping budget
that means you can only spend : 137K or 68.5K per person for shopping
Gud luck with that (or we can change the budget to 350K???? ehehehe)

Tips :
Make sure you've charged your camera battery
Bring lots of bottled water
Try not to eat at a restaurant all the time
Plan your route efficiently
Shop only for the things you needed...

Have a great vacation, and be wise with your money...

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